Diabetes And Eating Disorders

When you think of diabetes, be it Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, associating it with an eating disorder hardly seems normal. But the fact is, having an eating disorder can contribute greatly to diabetes by worsening the condition and making it difficult to manage.

Individuals who have anorexia have a refusal to eat. But this does more than reduce the caloric intake; it also affects the insulin intake. Anorexics often resort to extreme measures such as skipping meals, fasting or not eating the right foods. Some who are on insulin will even skip their medicine in order to lose weight. All of these are danger signs for diabetics, Type 1 or Type 2.

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Having a condition such as diabetes weakens the body’s ability to fight off disruptions in its normal functions, but adding starvation to the sequence further complicates matters and does so at an accelerated rate.

Bulimia is just as dangerous in that the body is not allowed sufficient time to absorb nutrients and calories from food before it is expelled. The same ill effects hold true as with anorexia, except it can be additionally psychological since there could be a false perception that the food has had time to offer some good to the body.

Although some might not consider binging as being in the same category as bulimia and anorexia, it can be just as devastating to the body. The only difference is the damage is inflicted as a result of too much food instead of not enough. Since food is allowed to be utilized in the body, the harm will take longer to show up, but inevitably, it does.

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There are huge repercussions from binging. This is more than just taking in additional calories. This often includes calories from the wrong foods, and lots of them at that. No one is going to binge on carrot sticks or broccoli. People who binge will pick foods they love, which will undoubtedly be high in fat, sugar and carbs; often the food contains high levels of all three. Statistics show 70 percent of people who binge are overweight.

You have to consider the weight gain and how it affects various aspects of your body from the heart to your activity level. The increase in weight, which in inevitable, will put undue pressure on your heart, your respiratory system and vital organs such as the kidneys and liver. This doesn’t include what your joints will feel.

Binging also normally includes vast amounts of salt. It’s nearly impossible to binge without consuming massive quantities of salt. This goes right to work derailing the fluids in your body, causing kidneys to work overtime and inflicting considerable damage to blood vessels and the entire circulatory system, not to mention being a pre-cursor to hypertension and heart disease.

It has also been shown if you have Type 2 diabetes together with an eating disorder (which is more likely to be binging), one quarter of your total calories will be eaten after your evening meal and when waking up and eating during the night.


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