Hemorrhoids Treatment
Hemorrhoids, enlarged anal veins, are one of the simplest things to manage with proper diet and lifestyle modifications; however people still resort to dangerous and aggressive forms of conventional medicine that merely provide a band aid approach and do not address the underlying causes of this condition.
Hemorrhoids are a disease of the rich and prosperous and are widely seen among residents of the wealthiest countries in the world and are virtually non-existent in poorer countries of the third world.
Overindulgence in rich foods, sedentary lifestyles and highly stressed lives are at the root of the hemorrhoids problem. Obese individuals whose diets are lacking in fiber and essential nutrients suffer from constipation that puts unnecessary pressure on the delicate colon and anal tissues inadvertently leading to internal and external hemorrhoids.
Modern day medicine recognizes two major approaches to hemorrhoids treatment: non-surgical and surgical way to get rid of the painful condition.
Non-surgical approach is a conservative approach to shrink bulging anal veins and multiple symptoms that come along like itching, burning, sensitivity and bleeding. The non-surgical method usually involves application of various creams, gels and patches to soothe the inflamed area of the anus and constrict the enlarged hemorrhoids. A lot of natural remedies for hemorrhoids are incredibly effective in providing relief from the annoying symptoms. Witch hazel, sitz baths and proper anal hygiene can be great ways to provide immediate care for the sensitive areas of the anus.
Some of the other methods of non-surgical hemorrhoids treatment are rectal suppositories that contain ingredients intended to shrink swollen veins. Sclerotherapy for hemorrhoids is also an effective way to collapse a prolapsed hemorrhoid by injecting phenol into the actual anal vein.
Non-surgical treatments will require multiple applications or session in order to achieve the desired effect and there’s no guarantee that your hemorrhoids will not come back if you do not make necessary lifestyle changes.
Traditional medicine offers a variety of drastic and rather aggressive surgical ways to address the prolapsed vein condition. The major cons of these methods are various risks associated with surgical invasion like blood clots, infection and recurring anal fissures.
Rubber band litigation, hemorrhoids stapling and complete hemorrhoid excisions are just a few methods proctologist use to surgically remove internal and external inflamed anal veins.
The recovery stage following any surgical intervention is rather lengthy and painful, and in rare cases might even lead to damaging colon walls and anal sphincters.
Laser surgery is an innovative method utilizing cold laser light to shrink hemorrhoids and provide almost immediate relief. Laser surgery recovery is considered less painful and takes much less time to heal.
Despite these surgical methods providing immediate relief from bothersome hemorrhoids, the achieved results are usually never long lived and require repeat surgical procedures to fix newly occurring hemorrhoids.