Archive for June, 2010

Home Remedies For Herpes

Herpes is a name of a group of viruses that causes an excruciating sores and blisters. Herpes can occur at two basic places, one as a cold sore in the mouth and the other is the genital herpes. Chickenpox is also caused by a different kind of herpes.

Symptoms of herpes include tingling, itching, red skin, stinging, blister, yellow scab which occurs on the lips or cheeks, but can be found on tongue, gums, even eyelids. There are the oral herpes which are caused due to kissing. Children are more prone in getting the same. This is a very infectious disease and so contact with the infected person should be avoided

Herpes are caused by the virus that is passed on to the person in contact with body fluids like the saliva, tears when the elements of Herpes are present. Genital Herpes is transferred sexually. Once this has been cured it can relapse again. To prevent the re occurrence personal hygiene should be give extra emphasis because the virus remains in your system for life. There is currently no such cure or vaccine for Herpes.
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Cure for the herpes are available but some of the home remedies are helpful. Black tea bags are used because they are antiviral and anti inflammatory. An ice pack can be used to soothe the active sore. Honey too can be utilized as a home remedy. Aloe Vera helps in reducing the outbreak in the skin that is left as a scab. Also it relives from intense itching. Using some baking powder and then patting cotton with it over the infected area will be effective. Apart from these Eucalyptus oil, olive oil, mallow roots and marsh mallow roots, foods rich in vitamins, zinc and iron, drinking a cup of peppermint tea would be effective in lessening the pain and fever. Having leafy vegetables and adequate quantity of water is essential in combating the infection. At times when the pain is sever then pain killers can be taken to get an instant relief.

These infections when detected in the initial stage may cause pain and pus as well. These blisters turn into sores and can take a very long time to heal. There is no assured statement certainty that once it’s cured it will not re occur. Its recurrence can be also caused due to stress and sickness. With a little cautions and preventive measures these herpes can be avoided.

Gout Foods

A correct diet for gout is needed to help prevent gout from seriously damaging your health. Here you’ll find a list of gout diet foods to eat and foods to avoid.


Your agonising symptoms of gout are caused by uric acid crystals that have formed in your joint(s), which can form when you have high uric acid in your blood. This usually occurs when your kidneys either can’t excrete excess uric acid from your body effectively enough, or, your body is manufacturing too much acid for your kidneys to be expected to handle.

Uric acid is produced as a result of the natural breakdown of chemical compounds in your cells called ‘purines’, but, they also exist in our foods at varying concentrations or levels. Some have high / very high levels, others have moderate, and others relatively low purine levels.

The trick is to identify those foods that have high / very high purine levels and avoid those. And supplement with those foods that have relatively low levels. And to help you do this I’ve listed the foods you can eat with gout, and, the foods to avoid for gout…


These are some of the low-purine foods that go to make a good gout diet:

  • Complex carbs (cereals, rice, pasta, vegetables, fruits, etc. – not white flour products)
  • Low fat dairy produce (low fat cheese, milk, yoghurt, etc. – but not soya)
  • High vitamin C foods (fruit, potatoes, red bell peppers, red cabbage, etc.)
  • Essential fatty acids (nuts, seeds, flax-seeds, tuna, etc.)
  • Vegetables (celery, cabbage, parsley, kale, other green-leaf vegetables, – but not cauliflower, asparagus, spinach, mushrooms)
  • Fruit (especially cherries, strawberries, blueberries, grapes, other blue / red berries)


These are some of the foods, that are high / very high in purines, and should be avoided:

  • Red meat (burgers, mincemeat, game, etc.)
  • Offal (liver, heart, kidneys, etc.)
  • Poultry (duck, goose, etc.)
  • Some fish (herring, mackerel, anchovies, sardines, etc.)
  • Shellfish (mussels, shrimp, scallops, etc.)
  • Gravy (broth, consomme, etc.)
  • Yeast (baker’s and brewer’s)
  • Dried legumes (peas, beans, lentils, etc.)


A good gout diet is an essential starting point in helping to get rid of the symptoms of your current gout attack, and, to prevent frequently recurring gout attacks, which can lead to permanent joint damage, kidney problems and hypertension, etc. Plus, once having had gout you’re chances of more attacks are markedly increased.

But there are several other important issues to consider to give you the best possible chance of preventing recurring gout. These are things like your lifestyle, your weight, stress, medications being taken, family history, underlying medical conditions, and so on. You need to investigate these and sort them out.

You’re in luck though. There’s a special gout report available online [see below] that has all the information you need in one place. It is what thousands of ex-gout victims worldwide have successfully used to prevent their gout returning. It also contains a special 2 hour gout pain relief program.

And it uses fully-researched, totally natural methods. So that you benefit two ways:

(1) you get rid of your excruciating pain very fast, and,

(2) you prevent your gout returning, so that you reduce the risk of permanent damage.

H1N1 Virus

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) made an announcement in 2009 regarding the H1N1 virus (Swine Flu). The information below will give you some insight into what the virus is, who it affects, and what measures are being taken to ensure the safety of people in the United States.

  • About H1N1
  • The H1N1 virus or, Swine Flu, was first discovered in the US in April 2009. The virus can be spread from person to person the same way a regular seasonal influenza virus spreads. It is not a foodborne disease, but a respiratory disease. Therefore, all meat and poultry products are safe to eat when properly prepared and cooked. The vast majority of people who have contracted the H1N1 virus have fully recovered without the need of medical care, yet some of been hospitalized and some deaths have occurred. Those that have been hospitalized have been labeled “high risk” due to existing medical conditions including:

    • Pregnancy
    • Diabetes
    • Heart Disease
    • Asthma
    • Kidney Disease

    Adults aging from 65 or older are prioritized for antiviral treatment so that they are limiting the risk of complication if they get the flu. Although your age means you have a lower risk of getting the flu, some risk conditions (diabetes, COPD, etc.) mean if you do get sick, you may have a higher risk of complications from any influenza.

    H1N1 Symptoms
    According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), flu like symptoms can be experienced such as:
    • Fever
    • Cough
    • Sore Throat
    • Runny or Stuffy Nose
    • Muscle or Body Aches
    • Headaches
    • Fatigue
    • Throwing Up
    • Loose Stools

    More serious symptoms could include the following which do require urgent medical attention:
    • Difficulty breathing
    • Pain or pressure in chest
    • Sudden dizziness
    • Confusion
    • Severe or persistent vomiting
    • Flu-Like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough

    Manufacturers Approval
    On September 16, 2009, the FDA approved vaccines from four manufacturers so that the vaccine can be administered as quickly as it is available. The approval was announced to Congress by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. The United States ordered enough vaccine for 195 million doses to account for everyone. People in the “high risk” category will receive the vaccine first including women that are pregnant and healthcare workers. The four manufacturers include:

    • Sanofi Pasteur (France) – Sanofi Pasteur, Inc. is the world’s largest supplier of influenza vaccines. They produce more than 1.6 billion doses of vaccines for more than 500 million people worldwide annually.
    • MedImmune (Maryland) – Employs more than 3,000 people with locations in the United States, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.
    • Novartis (Switzerland) – Created in 1996, Novartis is a global leader in innovative pharmaceuticals, generics, vaccines and consumer health products. They employ approximately 100,000 people in 140 countries worldwide.
    • CSL (Australia) – Employs over 10,000 people in 27 countries with major facilities in Australia, Germany Switzerland and the US.

    To learn more about the H1N1 virus consult with your physician.

    Bacterial Infections Treatment. Azithromycin review

    Even though many people, especially parents, are quite skeptic about the use of semi-synthetic and synthetic drugs and the antibiotics in particular, without the antibiotics the bacterial infections would be much more difficult to eliminate. The side effects are usually caused by patients taking antibiotics not as prescribed by doctor or self-treating themselves with antibiotics. Just like all other drugs the antibiotics have to comply with strongent safety standards and would therefore never be approved for sale if they are considered a major health hazard. Of course, if antibiotic course has been prescribed and side effects experienced, immediate medical attention should be sought.

    From all the popular antibiotics sold, the azithromycin is by far one of the most commonly prescribed. It belongs to a class of macrolide antibiotics and is used for treating common bacterial infections; the drug was discovered in the 1980 by Croatian scientists and patented by them; a year later the pharmaceutical corporation Pfizer signed an agreement, which allowed them to market azithromycin in Western Europe and the United States. Azithromycin is marketed under various names in the different countries, with Zithromax online pharmacy, Zentiva and Sumamed being the most well-known. Still, it is sold under numerous generic names too and is packed in capsules of azithromycin 500mg and 250mg, but a one-time larger dose is also available.

    Tonsillitis, pneumonia and bronchitis are the most known bacterial infections treated with azithromycin. Although the antibiotic is extremely safe and prescribed to adults and children alike, it can cause adverse side effects with the most common of these effects being nausea, abdominal pain and vomiting. Azithromycin can react with birth control pills and other medications. Prior to starting a course of azithromycin, you should discuss with your physician all medications and supplements that you might be taking, as well as the health conditions that you have. This is very important since the azithromycin is not recommended to people with kidney disease, liver disease, and other serious diseases.

    Azithromycin is sometimes sold as generic Zithromax on many of the online drugstores and costs considerably less than the drug that you can purchase in the local drugstores. Even though the generic drugs are cheaper, they are not imitations – they are the same drugs, with the same ingredients, and act as well as the brand-name drugs. Still, just like with everything else sold online, the drugs should be purchased only from well-known and established online pharmacies and a caution should be exercised.

    The Best Remedy For Head Lice

    Aside from the other methods for getting rid of head lice discussed on this website there is a single best remedy for head lice. This is of course, prevention. To never get head lice in the first place. This may sound easy, but it can prove to be extremely difficult. Hundreds of millions of people get lice every single year all over the globe. The majority of the people who get pediculosis, head lice infestation, are children between the ages of three and ten, but people of all ages can easily get it.

    The most important step in preventing a head lice infestation is simply to look for it. Examining a child’s hair at regular intervals with a louse comb will allow you to spot a infestation of lice in the early stages. Like most diseases, spotting an infestation early makes treatment significantly easier and lowers the chances of your child spreading the infestation greatly. If you do spot a infestation on your child’s head you should also contact the school and any other social groups he or she might be a member of. It is likely that they picked it up at one of these locations. In areas where lice infestations are common a weekly examination of your child should suffice. This may still be a good idea even when the child is older, perhaps even to the ages of thirteen to fifteen. Additional examinations should be performed if you are aware your child has come in contact with an individual who is infested, if the child frequently scratches their head, or if you suddenly notice nits appearing in their hair.

    Other ways to prevent pediculosis is to keep a child’s long hair as tidy as possible. If it is socially acceptable and will not cause psychological damage tot he child, completely shaving or keeping their hair very short will go a long way. This is not suggested for young girls, but a ‘buzz cut’ is very common for young boys especially during the warmer months.

    Another great method for keeping your child lice free is to put concentrated rosemary oil in their hair every single day. Two to four drops should be plenty. These can be combed into the hair with a regular brush or comb.

    It is also important to disinfect items that may have come into contact with an infested individual. This includes bedding, clothing, and personal items like hats. This can be done easily by leaving the items outside for two to four days, or by putting them in the dryer for a short period of time. If you do not own a dryer you can wash the items in hot water (140 degrees F) and let them air dry. An insecticidal treatment for furniture and other parts of the house will not be necessary. Always remember, the best remedy for head lice is prevention!

    Tonsil Stones

    Tonsils are not unwanted as they are not only good but also serve various necessary immunological functions. They protect our body from particular diseases that there is no need to remove them unless and until they create serious problems in us. They can range from smaller sized stones which might not be visible to naked eye to the very large ones resembling bookends when peered inside the throat. When they become very big in size the sufferers might find it hard to breathe or swallow that their removal would be inevitable. The collected strep in tonsils many times needs to come outside the throat region. Many a times they can get infected and create unnecessary problems.

    Tonsil stones can become big because of viral infection, strep’s random bouts and mononucleosis can sometimes be treated without the need for surgery. Most often mononucleosis and viral infections would resolve all by themselves in a period of time with just simple gargling and consumption of hot soups. Strep tonsillitis that are often diagnosed in the laboratories respond in a good manner to short term exposure of antibiotics like erythromycin, penicillin or plain ‘ol.

    Tonsil stones can form in people who suffer from repeated tonsillitis bouts or throat infections and can result in making the tonsils swell and form holes or crypts where dead cells, mucous and bacteria get trapped. The debris in the crypts rot and decompose due to the warm and moist throat environment conditions and get calcified to become smaller size particles similar to stones. The actual tonsil stone composition can differ from one person to another but they might contain a minimum of two various kinds of matter in them.

    In some the disease can recur even after they are extracted. The nasty smelling lumps can annoy anyone. There are many reasons for the recurring of diseases. In some it might be due to the hereditary or genetic conditions while in other it might be because of bad oral hygiene, irregular flossing and brushing of teeth. Some time they might be formed due to the throat infection’s side effects of administering antibiotics. Diseases could be made to loosen by prodding those using lengthy objects like cotton wool buds or toothbrush in a gentle way.

    Most of the time doctors feel that the disease need antibiotics to cure them but they might only provide relief for a temporary period of time. Only a good and healthy lifestyle, regular exercising and diet can prevent them from recurring.

    Home Remedies for Curing Tonsil Stones

    Tonsillectomy not only can lead to various health problems later but also does not come at a cheaper price. The surgery can also hinder day to day activities for some time. Hence, it is avoided most often. In fact, there are natural and scientifically proven ways to get rid of tonsil stones so they never return. It’s absolutely not necessary to go for a long, drawn out surgery or wasting your money on expensive nasal sprays and tablets. Follow a step-by-step program that will show you exactly how to get rid of your tonsil stones naturally and ensure they never come back!

    Causes of Urinary Tract Infection

    Before we discuss the causes of urinary tract infection (UTI), we cannot ignore the significance of definition of UTI. Urinary tract infection (UTI) implies multiplication of organisms in the urinary tract, and is defined by the presence of more than 100,000 organisms per ml in a midstream sample of urine (MSU).

    A very important fact must not be ignored at any cost that such infections are much more common in women, about one-third of whom have a UTI at some time. The prevalence of UTI in women is about 30% at the age of 20, increasing by about 1% in each subsequent decade. In males UTI is uncommon except in the first year of life and in men over 60, in whom a degree of urinary tract obstruction due to prostatic hypertrophy is common. UTI causes considerable morbidity, and in small minority of cases, renal damage and chronic renal failure.

    Risk factors include pregnancy, urinary tract malformations, urinary tract obstruction, calculus or renal stones, prostatic obstruction, bladder diverticulum, spinal injury, trauma, urinary tract tumor, diabetes mellitus and immunosuppression as in case of AIDS.

    Now we move on to the causes of urinary tract infection. UTI may be uncomplicated or complicated; the latter may result in permanent renal damage, the former rarely (if ever) do so. Uncomplicated infections are almost invariably due to single strain of organisms.

    Outside hospitals, E. coli derived from fecal reservoir accounts for about 75% of infections, the remainder being due to Proteus, Pseudomonas species, streptococci or Staphylococcus epidermidis. In hospitals a greater proportion of infections are due to organisms such as Klebsiella or streptococci, but fecal E. coli still predominates. Certain strains of E. coli have a particular propensity to invade the urinary tract. They possess surface fimbriae, at the tips of which are lectin molecules, which bind to glycolipid or glycoprotein surface receptors on the urothelium.

    The first stage in the development of UTI is colonization of the periurethral zone with pathogenic fecal organisms. The urothelium of susceptible persons may have more receptors to which virulent strains of E. coli become adherent. Colonization by the pathogenic bacteria may be facilitated by lack of personal hygiene, wearing of sanitary towels and local infections like vaginitis.

    In women, the ascent of organisms into the bladder is facilitated by the short urethra and absence of bactericidal prostatic secretions, while the longer male urethra protects against transfer of bacteria to the bladder. It must be kept in mind that multiplication of bacteria occurs in bladder, from where they reach the ureters and kidneys easily, facilitated by vasicoureteric reflux and dilatation of hypo tonic ureters.

    Sexual intercourse naturally causes minor urethral trauma and may transfer bacteria from the perineum into the bladder.

    Instrumentation of the bladder may also introduce organisms.

    Residual urine left after voiding interferes with mucosal defense mechanisms; thus patients with bladder outflow obstruction, gynecological abnormalities, pelvic floor weakness or neurological problems are susceptible to infection.

    Injury to the mucosa and the presence of a foreign body in the bladder also depress vesical defense mechanisms.

    Crohn’s Disease Alternative Methods

    This can be a common question that you have when you start looking in to alternatives for Crohn’s Disease. What therapies are worth looking at? Where should I start? How can I get it right the first time without wasting a lot of money and time?

    I had to learn for myself as there was not anyone to show me what to do and which methods would give me the best chance of success. There are many different ways of approaching management of Crohn’s Disease, but there are some tips that you may want to keep in mind when making a decision what is right for you.

    Does the therapy/method address what you are eating?

    Diet is one of the most powerful things you can address when it comes to bringing Crohn’s back in to remission. If you don’t have the right kind of diet for you and your body, the methods you are trying may not work, as the body is still reacting to the foods that you are in your diet. An allergy test can see if you have any food sensitivities and this is a good way to see if your diet is right for you, or if there are some changes that need to be made.

    Common foods that can cause issues are things like wheat, dairy and sugar. Refined products can also be a problem, as your body is not designed to digest highly processed foods. A good rule of thumb is to eat foods that are natural and don’t require processing so you can eat them; for example fruit and vegetables. Having a flare up you need to be more careful of insoluble fibre, this can cause further irritation of inflamed tissue in the digestive system.

    What experience with Crohn’s Disease does the practitioner have?

    Finding a practitioner that has a lot of experience with Crohn’s Disease can give you a much better chance of success. Having more experience they will more easily be able to determine what it is you need. Their past experience will help them to know what works well to get you back to health as soon as possible.

    Doing some research online

    If you are not familiar with the therapy, it would be a good idea to do a bit of research to make sure that it is something you are willing to do. The more you understand about what you will be doing, the feedback you give the practitioner will be much better. They will then be able to make better decisions about how they can help you. By doing some research you will get a good idea about what you are in for.

    Do they have qualifications or training of some sort?

    When seeing an alternative practitioner making sure they are qualified or have some sort of formal training, this will make sure you get good advice. Not everyone you go to will have a university degree, though they should be able to show you the training they have done. This shows they are capable in their field.

    Does the therapy look at the causes or just suppress symptoms?

    Most natural therapies come from a holistic point of view anyway, but this is something that you may want to keep in mind. If the therapy only suppresses the symptoms without looking at the causes of the problem, you may not get good results.

    This is a problem I have with conventional medicine when used for long term treatment of things such as Crohn’s Disease. The problems you get from side effects of drugs can be worse than the illness you had in the first place. Western medicine still has a role to play in illness, you just need to be well informed about what can happen long term on drug therapy.

    Cancer & Heart Disease

    What is the connection between cancer and heart disease?

    Besides being two of the most deadly diseases in America, claiming over 1 million lives each year, is there a causal connection between the two?

    The answer is an astounding “Yes!”

    Both cancer and heart disease result from a breakdown in the immune system, and both have viral infections related to each disease.

    Without the normal protections of the immune system, cancer and heart disease slowly, stealthily and surely eat away at your health, over the course of many years, until they finally spring the trap that comes as such an unpleasant surprise to so many hapless, heedless sufferers.

    Going back to the source of these twin troubles is impossible, for most researchers, simply because they automatically dismiss from their consideration the very thing which creates these, and so many other modern illness plagues today.

    Everyone knows that good dietary nutrition is the source of a healthy, functioning immune system.

    Few know exactly what good dietary nutrition is, on the other hand.

    Most assume that if they follow some government-promulgated “food pyramid,” or similar advice, that’s all they need to know or do to maintain optimal health.

    Nothing could be further from the truth…


    Because nothing in the designations of food types and groupings addresses the primary issue of quality.

    When it comes to diet, sufficient quantity of each food group is assumed to be all that’s required to maintain good health.

    So the store shelves are lined with plenty of choices presumed to be nutritious and healthy — merely because: “So many others select and eat plenty of them, so why shouldn’t I?”

    Well, if you don’t mind getting the same results everyone else is getting, go ahead and indulge yourself, with unthinking abandon, in all the glut of manufactured “foods” and “drinks” presently marketed (most of which didn’t even exist ten, twenty or thirty years ago).

    Some few have even been around for the better part of a century — none of which means they are actually good for you — which is certainly no indication of their real value or worth.

    In fact, modern fatal diseases have grown and exploded onto the scene at the same rate such packaged, adulterated, “enriched” and processed “foods” have been made and promoted to a gullible, easily sold public.

    Your great-grandparents would never choose to eat such things as are commonly ingested today (then again, we didn’t get where we are today based on any common sense handed down from prior generations, so perhaps they would).

    They had their own demons to conquer, like a general lack of cleanliness and personal hygiene, blood-letting, and the like (oh wait, regular blood-letting is still practiced, only today it’s called “samples” to run tests upon, giving results which tell us nothing about the causes or possible real cures for what ails us).

    A world full of modern conveniences isn’t necessarily a healthier world.

    The growing number of deaths from virulent diseases tells us this much.

    If your desire is to escape such dire results as these, perhaps you should start looking into what most don’t care to know, that reveals the actual root cause behind all this suffering, anguish and waste of lives.

    Just as negative thoughts can poison your attitudes and actions, even more so do junk “foods” trash your immune system.

    And here’s a real eye-opener: What most consider “good food” is really nothing less than disguised junk in pretty packages.

    Given a choice between these and natural alternatives, not even vermin would choose to eat the way most people do today.

    Those that consume the same “foods” most believe are “healthy” or “nourishing” today, usually wind up suffering from many of the very same diseases, birth defects and even infertility rates as their human counterparts.

    Any way you slice it, the “staff of life” is no more, replaced by the double-edged, white as cancer, sword of death loaf of diseased, manufactured junk posing as “good food.”

    Overfed and malnourished is America’s self-imposed curse, where adulterants of every kind and description pervade what’s left of once-organic — but now mostly lifeless — grocery store offerings in alluring packages, replete with bold but deceptive promises, misdirecting and confusing “facts” and worthless claims, flashing misleading titles and names.

    Not a very healthy foundation upon which to build our national or personal posterity.

    So long as this Madison Avenue-inspired lunatic mindset prevails, the twin evils of cancer and heart disease will continue wreaking vengeance upon an unwary populace.

    The Nephrectomy

    A nephrectomy is a medical term referring to a surgical procedure for the removal of a kidney or part of a kidney. It is sometimes also referred to as nephrectomy surgery.

    One of the important jobs done by the kidneys is collecting and removing toxins and wastes from the bloodstream. This filtering process is how urine is produced. But when normal kidney functions are compromised through disease or damage, kidney removal surgery or a nephrectomy may be become necessary.

    A nephrectomy is done because of one of several possible kidney problems. Is most often used because of kidney failure, kidney cancer or some other abnormal tissue growth.

    A complete or radical nephrectomy means the entire kidney is removed. When only the diseased or damaged part of the kidney is taken out, it’s called a partial nephrectomy.

    When someone donates a healthy kidney to someone else it’s called a donor nephrectomy.

    Kidney removal surgery can currently be done one of two ways.

    Laparoscopic Nephrectomy – The surgeon makes several small incisions. A tube with a camera attached to it is placed in one of them. Instruments for performing the surgery are placed in the others. The surgeon uses the camera to guide his or her movements in using the instruments to remove all or part of the kidney.

    Open Nephrectomy – This procedure means the surgeon removes the kidney through a large open incision in the patient’s side. This is the “traditional” way of removing a kidney, and it requires a longer recovery period than a laparoscopic nephrectomy.

    Kidney removal surgery using the open nephrectomy procedure is much more invasive and requires a longer period of recovery.

    The reason for the surgery and amount of kidney tissue that needs to be removed will determine which type of nephrectomy procedure should be used.

    The question you’re probably asking right now is, “What determines how much of the kidney needs to be removed?”

    The first consideration is the amount of disease or damage the kidney has sustained. The doctor will have to find out if the problem affects only one area or only one kidney. He or she will want to know if affects nearby tissue or the other kidney.

    To help determine the condition and severity of the kidney damage, a variety of tests will be given that include the following:

    Ultrasound – This takes an image of the soft tissues surrounding the kidney using sound waves.

    Computerized Tomography – Another name for this is CT or CT scanning. It employs special X-ray technology which creates thin, cross-sectional “slices” of kidney tissue.

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging – An “MRI” uses a magnetic field and radio waves to produce a 3D computer image of the kidney.

    After looking at all the data from these tests, your doctor will recommend the nephrectomy surgery that is appropriate for your case.

    When it comes time for your nephrectomy procedure, you’ll be given anesthesia. Your surgical team will also insert a catheter to drain your bladder.

    Recovery time from nephrectomy surgery depends on a number of factors, especially your overall health and the type of procedure that was done.

    When you’ve had a nephrectomy, you may have certain post-surgical complications. These could include chronic kidney disease and high blood pressure (hypertension).

    But most of the time, patients recover fully and lead normal, healthy lives once again.

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